Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Meet the Scholars - concluding our trip

The day of our flight, Jedd and I invited the scholars to lunch at our hotel for some good pizza and paperwork. I explained the program in detail, and they all signed agreements.

Afari Anthony (Political Science)

Albert Agoabey (Finance)

Frank Nyabe (Medicine)

Eric Asiamah (Accounting)

Bright Ofori (Finance)

We all gathered near the pool at the hotel.

Now we're back in the US. Jedd is working hard on the video, and I'm preparing to travel to Cambridge, MA, to begin my master's of theological studies. Thank you all for joining me on this remarkable journey, encouraging me, commenting on my blog and, most of all, praying for me. It has helped me more than you know.

A more detailed biography of the students will be available on our website ( coming soon) in the near future. If you have any questions, or would like to donate to these students' education, please contact me: